C3 Skills Alliance

Driving Workforce Talent in Care Coordination

The Los Angeles and Ventura Counties Regional Health Care Coordination Project was formed in May 2015 under the California Workforce Development (CWD) Board SlingShot Initiative, to address the increased need for a skilled care coordination workforce among hospital and clinic health systems.

The C3 Skills Alliance builds on the foundational work of the South Bay Workforce Investment Board’s (SBWIB) Healthcare Industry Sector Partnership which identified the critical need for skilled healthcare workers with care coordination and case management skills across the spectrum of healthcare including acute hospital care, community clinic health services, long-term and outpatient care facilities and public health organizations in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties.

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Mission Statement: The C3 Skills Alliance is a collaborative public/private partnership that addresses the increased need for a skilled care coordination workforce among hospital and clinic health systems in Southern California.