Care Coordination
High Demand in Health Care
Care coordination is an emerging and fast-growing career pathway in the health care industry. Care coordination is all about health care professionals working together to ensure that patients’ health needs are being met and that the right care is being delivered in the right place, at the right time, and by the right person.
The job outlook for health care professionals working in care coordination is expected to grow 22% by 2022, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statics. Modern Healthcare magazine reports that the demand for people who can effectively coordinate care has skyrocketed in recent years as payers and providers turn to new healthcare delivery models aimed at lowering costs and improving health outcomes.
Jobs in care coordination fall within three interconnected career pathways. Each level requires requisite education, training and certification(s).

Mission Statement: The C3 Skills Alliance is a collaborative public/private partnership that addresses the increased need for a skilled care coordination workforce among hospital and clinic health systems in Southern California.